Charred earth, cedar and bitter cocoa. Smokey and robust.
Most of our coffees tend towards the lighter end of the roasting spectrum, but with Handlebar we honor the older, European-style of darker roasts indeed for espresso preparation. The base coffee of the blend changes seasonally, but we also always blend in some monsoon coffee from the Malabar region of India. Monsooned coffees are left exposed to the weather for 3-4 months during the rainy season, yielding an earthy, spicy, and funky cup that trades the acidity sought after in more modern coffee for increased body and bitter cocoa flavors.
COUNTRIES: Brazil, India
PROCESSES: Natural, Pulp Natural, Monsooned
VARIETALS: Yellow Bourbon, Typica, Catimor
This coffee is best 4-8 days after it was roasted.
- 18g dose - 35g yield - 30 seconds at 9 bar
- 1:15 Ratio (30g dose, 450g water) - 207°F water - Grind Size: Coarse (Baratza Encore 32, EK43 15)
Unisex Logo Hoodie
Tzun Witz, Sebastiana Ramirez Lopez, Washed Caturra
Tote Bag
Siesta Decaf Blend