Didier Alexander Murillo Diosa, Washed, Double Long Fermentation


Red grape, orange zest, and milk chocolate. Refreshing, crisp, and very sweet.

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Red grape, orange zest, and milk chocolate. Refreshing, crisp, and very sweet.

Red grape, orange zest, and milk chocolate. Refreshing, crisp, and very sweet.

This coffee participated in the 8th National Quality Contest called Land of Diversity, organized by FCN (Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros Colombia).  The objectives of this contest are to identify the best producers within all of Colombia's regions, connecting them to roasters and better commercializing the coffees to provide more potential income for the participating producers. Didier Alexander Murillo Diosa picks cherries from Monday to Wednesday. The cherries are then stored in fique sacks wrapped with plastic bags, fermenting for the following 64 hours. Then, the cherries are removed, combined, and depulped before being washed in tanks in clean water. The coffee is then dried in a greenhouse on raised beds for the following 1-2 weeks.

  • COUNTRY: Colombia

  • REGION: Caicedo

  • ELEVATION: 6000 ft

  • PRODUCER: Didier Alexander Murillo Diosa

  • PROCESS: Washed

  • VARIETAL: Castillo

  • This coffee is best 10-20 days after it was roasted.